Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Barcelona rocks...

Ok guys, my plane leaves again in 3 hours. This time it's going to be north of Italy. Before going blogging Barcelona is a must...

Everything started on Friday, 17th. Plane, queue, security checks, delay...usual stuff. Our flat was in the Barrio Gothique, fantastic place. 11 of us, pretty an aggressive crew...

Friday we started with dinner at 2 AM and then club. We started clubbing at 3.30 and the place was still empty. While I was cuba libring the bar tender told me: "people normally come at 4". Well, standard of business conduct I would say. Ended in bed at 6, ready for a Saturday visitig Gaudis' houses.

Saturday was a sunny and warmy day. Sightseeing, shopping and getting ready for the night. It sounded like new years' eve night. Dinner at 11 and then double club shot: Universal and Suttan.

I was very shy and dismissed, as usual.... :) ended in bed at 8 sharp. The pillow had Martini's taste. Donno why. The plane was at 13....

Barcelona, I'll be back! Kind of soon...

Go Pey Go!

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