Thursday, December 07, 2006


Guys, I've been to a 007 party in Frankfurt over the weekend.

A lot of secret agents showed up. Unfortunately also bad guys heard the party was there. Even Mr Gabor and Mr. Cat from Spectre showed uwere there. Tina Turner came to sing GoldFinger and Mrs. Monnypenny was preparting Vodka/Martini's for everybody. I also helped with the drinks, very much Queen's style...

Mr Jack, ups 007, was having his 30th birthday. For a double0 agent that's already a pretty good age, he's been lucky to make it so far... :)

Mr. Jack, really happy I managed to come to your party. Now you owe me one! Btw, I know you're busy killing bad people but could I get the pictures?


Captain Catan said...

you can download most of the stuff (the censored version of course ...) at my flickr account. I have a link in my entry from last Saturday.

The rest you have to wait for Jack to give to you ...

Ciaoooo Mr Bondo

alba said...

ma quanto sei carino!!