Friday, December 29, 2006

Cya 2006!

Guys, we made it! We survived 2006. This is definitively a great achievement, it definitively wasn't an easy one.

But there is no time to look back now. 2007 is almost here and I need to get set to welcome it. It's gonna rock guys, be ready!

Cu in Les Deux Alpes!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Shopping list

Ok, new year's eve event is coming up fast. Here is the list we've talked guys:
  1. Poker cards and chips -> Mr. Roby
  2. iPod speakers -> Mr. Fede
  3. iPods -> Mr. Roby and me
  4. Photo -> Mr. Roby
  5. Video -> Mr. Fede
  6. Ice goggles-> Mr. Luca
  7. Snowboard sack -> Mr. Luca
  8. Check if flat has oven -> Mr. Fede
  9. Sun creams -> Mr. Roby
  10. Guitar -> Mr. Luca
what is missing?

Alive and kicking...

Hi guys.

Okok, I disappeared for a while but I'm definitively alive and kicking... :)

Christmas has been really aggressive. I've been impacted by a huge amount of food. My belly situation is undoubtfully compromised. It's gonna take a while to recover my absolute perfect shape.

Santa has been really generous with me. At the end, everybody knows that I am really a nice boy and that I deserve a lot of presents. The focus has been mainly on clothing and grand cash but I think I'm still on time for some nice gadget. I'll try to post some pictures of my new 2007 style asap...

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry merry merry merry

Friends around the world, anonymous readers and search engine spiders


Be aware of the desert that 2006 still has to give...

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas with grey budget

A new and nice story from the little multinational ferry tail. This is going the last one of 2007 I guess...

After the Company has cut Christmas basket, the Christmas party, the Christmas cards and the 2007 calendars my boss sends out a Merry Christmas email. He says that I need to relax and recover for a jump start on 2007 in the combat field where we need to be as aggressive as never before. 2006's budget is closed behind the schedule and I should use my free days to plan how to fix it...very very very inspiring.

2007 will bless us all!

Friday, December 22, 2006

The endless week

Guys, long time no hear.

After the last weekend spent in celebrations for my brand new driving license, the last week before the holiday season hit me full speed. I've been driving around the northern part of Italy pretty much, just to compensate the missing usage of my new car (from Sunday 'll today I've driven 1600 KMs in the previous 2 months just 980...).

It's a bit late but I can now say that I'm officially ready for Christmas. Ready means that I've realized that is Christmas time. Today I just had my first bit of panettone... Basically, also this year I arrived at this fantastic vacation period far too late, far too stressed and far too fat.

Today is my last working day of 2006. I'm planning quite a ramp-up in relaxation... tonight we start we a dinner for all the good friends and tomorrow Christmas' aperitivo. Will keep you posted. Need to run now...

Friday, December 15, 2006

Two Wheeler...

Great performance of Mr. Pey in front of the public of the Italian Transportation office here in Rome. A lot of people were watching when I got my brand new driving license... this one has motorbikes too.

I'm thinking about trucks now... :)

Watch out bikers!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Quantity vs Quality

Wine is one of the major Italian businesses... Mr. Roby knows it very well. The problem is that he still things that quantity overcomes quality.. :))

Monday, December 11, 2006

Roman Week

Fanfares! My business trip to visit a dear customer of ours got canceled... How sad... :)

It looks like I will be the entire week in Rome! I think the last time this happened was back in October. Plenty of time to get ready for my motorbike driving exam on Friday!

Pey is a rider wanna be!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Maccheroni rain

Very very rainy weekend here in Rome.

I barely managed to wash my car before the wash-out started. This happens pretty much every time I wash my car during winter time. I think it is now time to wait for spring...

I think I've slept an averate of 11 hours per night as of Thu night but I still didn't recover. Looks like I very much exagerated in the past weeks... maybe at the end I'm really getting old :)

Temperature is dropping here in Italy but still no big signs of snow. It might be a difficult season for snowboarding but I don't want to give up my hope and my expectations for my brand new CustomX board.

Tomorrow I'll plan my location/meeting scheduling up to Christmas. Quite a roller coaster is coming up...

Time for some dinner now. When Christmas comes it comes...

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Guys, I've been to a 007 party in Frankfurt over the weekend.

A lot of secret agents showed up. Unfortunately also bad guys heard the party was there. Even Mr Gabor and Mr. Cat from Spectre showed uwere there. Tina Turner came to sing GoldFinger and Mrs. Monnypenny was preparting Vodka/Martini's for everybody. I also helped with the drinks, very much Queen's style...

Mr Jack, ups 007, was having his 30th birthday. For a double0 agent that's already a pretty good age, he's been lucky to make it so far... :)

Mr. Jack, really happy I managed to come to your party. Now you owe me one! Btw, I know you're busy killing bad people but could I get the pictures?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Dive baby dive

I always said diving is a fantastic sport. This one is really Pey style :)

Sunday, December 03, 2006

TeleTruzzies go to Privilege!

Only for Italians... but couldn't avoid to post it :)

Friday, December 01, 2006

Straight plug...

Here is what I found on the wall of one of the meeting rooms of the little multinational...

Not sure if I want to plug my LAN cable there...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The most unholy Fiesta in the world

The guys at Hertz gave me a nice Ford Fiesta 1.2 liters. Got it for 25 euros a day, good price you would say.

Problem drives just 9 kms with a liter of petrol!!

Next time rent me a Corvette, I would be better off.

Hey guys at Ford, where is the secret tank where you steal the gas?

Tuesady bloody tuesday

Yesterday night has been a night of shock and unjustness for Mr. Pey on Piedmont's tarmac.

Mr. Pey had just finished a chilling 11 hours working day in the office and he was driving back home after a luxurious dinner in Autogril.

Some pretty nice smurfs stopped me in the middle of nowhere between Turin and my golden home town Cuneo. The beasts were sitting hidden behind a curve. It was almost midnight and I was the only soul God was watching over in that area.

Master Smurf stops me with a light but without an official sign. I don't really understand what this guy wants and I stop about 30 meters after their roadblock.

Master Smurf has been very professional and polite with me.

The only problem is that the bastard gave me a fine for "dangerous driving". There was no speed trap or anything similar. Master Smuft says it is his personal judgment that counts. His helper confirms...

Bottom line Mr. Pey gets other 5 points down from his driving license and he is now on the edge of not needing a company car anymore. I will probably buy a Vespa and visit the customers with a t-shirt with "Power to the people" written on it...

But Mr. Pey does not surrender to defeat.

May the God of Speed be with all of us! Keep gas guys, keep gas...

PS: anybody knows a cheap and good lawyer...?

Saturday, November 25, 2006

New Year's Eve Event

Guys, dices are shot... we've booked for Les Deux Alpes. From Dec, 30th 'il Jan 6th.

We're 4 (Mr. Roby, Mr. Fede, Mr. Luca and me) so far but we're open to anybody that wants to join...

Will keep you posted, right now we're thinking what to write on the t-shirts....

Thursday, November 23, 2006

One down!

Willy Wonka (littelakes, you know the drill :)) is offically down and Pey will get fat...

First enemy's down, many to come. But with a bit more nuts in the basket.

It looks like this one is NOT going to be a working weekend. Well deserved price...

The only capital...

Incredible but true, my Rome-Milano flight of yesterday had only 15 mins of delay. Best record ever...

Captain speaking: "The weather at destination is nice, around 12 degrees celcius". Nice indeed, but next time please also remember to say that is foggy....

I've rented a fantastic Ford Fiesta. Looong time I was not driving such a wreck. Hertz has a fantastic business model, returning the car in a different station costs 50Es, returning the navigation system in a different station costs 250. It's basically cheaper just to buy it!

Tonite I'm meeting Mr Hugo Lo Rocks.... will try to sell him a pair of Burton socks.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Barcelona rocks...

Ok guys, my plane leaves again in 3 hours. This time it's going to be north of Italy. Before going blogging Barcelona is a must...

Everything started on Friday, 17th. Plane, queue, security checks, delay...usual stuff. Our flat was in the Barrio Gothique, fantastic place. 11 of us, pretty an aggressive crew...

Friday we started with dinner at 2 AM and then club. We started clubbing at 3.30 and the place was still empty. While I was cuba libring the bar tender told me: "people normally come at 4". Well, standard of business conduct I would say. Ended in bed at 6, ready for a Saturday visitig Gaudis' houses.

Saturday was a sunny and warmy day. Sightseeing, shopping and getting ready for the night. It sounded like new years' eve night. Dinner at 11 and then double club shot: Universal and Suttan.

I was very shy and dismissed, as usual.... :) ended in bed at 8 sharp. The pillow had Martini's taste. Donno why. The plane was at 13....

Barcelona, I'll be back! Kind of soon...

Go Pey Go!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Right back

Just landed from Barcelona, blogging from my mobile while waiting my luggage...

A hell of a weekend but only 9 hours of sleep. That makes me way behind sleeping schedule. How nice to have a meeting tomorrow at 9...

Will post some pics when I will come back from the darkness... :)

Friday, November 17, 2006

Getting old...

Guys, today is officially my birthday. Many more things to come...

Long live Pey!

And Pey said: "let there be video"

After months of darkness and of static images, videos came. Roby, nice Montecarlo!

PS: Laura, next time you want to shoot a picture press the button with a camera on printed on it...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Italians do it better!

He might be right in principle... but French lovers mmmmm.

Italians do it better!

PS: Ups, probably a head kick just hit me and I forgot. We're also World Champions! hihihi

7 MIL to go...

Ok, today I got THE call. fiscal year 2007 target for my little ferry tail is 7 MIL nuts. Deadline is October, 31st 2007. FY 2006 was at 320 K nuts.

Ok that we want to focus but grow rate at 4 digits might be a bit... crazy!

Never mind, will cycle my bike 'll the crossing line. It's only 19178 nuts per day. A hell of a stomach aches...

GO Pey GO, you're just 287671 late...gops!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


It's official, everything you always wanted is coming...

CTO of my blog confirms that we will have videos in the short future...

Leading Edge, Bleading Pey :(

Friday, November 10, 2006

Addicted to that rush!

I would like to start a debate on standard business hours. You guys please post comments.

My question is: "Is 8 AM a proper business hour to get called? We're not talking emergencies here."

Looking forward to your opinions... Today I'm enjoying my boss' call at 8 AM saying that I need to push out a deal... by Monday. Fantastic timing and a great weekend is coming up!

Never give up!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

One hour of free air

Guys, I'm leaving the office for the first time before 8 PM this week.

I'm a bit scared of what there might be out there so I will probably just end to walk around in the parking. Company parking, of course. Very enterprise....


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ready to surf

It took me 4 days but I finally managed to finish to setup my new bindings on the snowboard. It has been a very fine engineering excercise made of carving angle computation and stance distance analysis. But the finest ingredient has been improvvisation, as usual :).

Now I just need some snow to try it out...

Monday, November 06, 2006

The sweet smell of smokers

Yesterday night was match night: Rome vs. Florence for the Italian football premier league.

I don't give much of a damn about premier league but I couldn't miss the event... We went together with the core of Rome's supporters. Guys, really cool experience. I think I've learnt 10 new ways to call somebody else’s mother and 100 new ways to call somebody else’s sisters. I also didn't know that the word referee had so many synonyms.

To celebrate this new piece of culture, I had quite some Borghettis (coffee with some spirit) and I closed my night at Guinness. Fantastic way to kick off a brand new week...

Forza pupone!

PS: thanks to Baldo's phone call in the middle of the match I can confirm that it takes Rai several seconds to broadcast the match to California. Absolutely inacceptable...

Luca: The Orchestrator

Trustful sources report that Luca went out for dinner with 10 women on Saturday night. I don't think we can call this gang-bang, I think he already moved next generation.

Looks like he's now Orchestrating his sex life, making it a symphony of perversion and supreme ecstasy.

May the force be with you, Luca.

My new fidancee

Ok, I'm officially engaged with my new boss. He called me at 21.35 on Friday night and again at 16:00 on Saturday. He was probably missing me so we also excanged some texts on Saturday.

How sweet...

Friday, November 03, 2006

7:58 AM

What is the best way to start a new assignment in the fairy multinational?

Be woken up at 7:58 AM by your new manager that wants to welcome you in the job and motivate you to be on edge. At that time of the morning I'm rather on pillow....

I managed to provide confused answers with an hang-over voice... if I would only have had just a beer the night before...

Go Pey Go!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Tequila Jack

Yesterday Gabor woke up with mercy and sent some pictures of our German's fatigues.

Go Tequila Jack Go. You definitively are on the roadmap to CEO...

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Liebes Deutschland - reloaded

Uh, finally a bit of time to post.

I'm still waiting for the pictures of the party we had last weekend in FFM (Gabor, this is your fault...).

Guys, it was nice to see all the old friends again! It is really a bit like a little growing happy international community. It's already two years I left Germany but it doesn't really feels like that. We've remained very close and Germany is still a very funny place to be for a noisy Italian like me. It's a bit strange how being a foreigner eases up the personal relationships...

Ok, now it's really time to wait for the pictures. Gabor...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The day came

Ok, here is the deal.

You order brand new company car in May. You decide you don't want to run cheap and you burn quite a bit of money of the little multinational.

You wait 6 months, and you get

Probably the most expensive toilet ever... gosh!

Rolling week

Guys, tomorrow 3rd plane of the week and 3rd city...

way to go and 7 hours to boarding time...


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Standard of business conduct

Yesterday night was team event night.

Unconpromised integrity, as usual...

Monday, October 23, 2006

Liebes Deutschland

Long time no post, really stucked. I finally managed to come back to Frankfurt to see some old friends. Really nice people and a lot of party. Details will follow, stay tuned :)


Monday, October 16, 2006

Everybody needs a bosom as a pillow

Yesterday night I visited an old friend of mine who just became father. The baby is absolutely awesome and pretty heavy too. I think it has been a very good baby production...

The mum is a very old girlfriend flame of mines. I must admit that I was a bit uncomfortable while seeing her breeding the baby. You know what I mean...

But the situation made me realize that it would be damn good if women would have this maternity sense deep inside and just offer their own breasts as pillows in such a candid and sweet way.

Keep on dreaming romantic Mr. Pey...

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Adriaan Van Den Hoof

My Belgian friends say we look the same. I didn't know I'm also a famous DJ... Pey rocks!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Love boat and the Green Smurfs

After our famous dinner of Saturday night it was time to go to the International Yacht Show in Genova with Mr. Roby.

We were totally fit for a start at 9:15 AM sharp. It was an enormous effort but we made it. Looking in each other's face we agreed that we looked like Green Smurfs. Headache was aggressive. Having a quick access to our alcohol database we discovered that the night before we had a bottle of wine, grappa, amaro (spirit based on erbs) and absinth. Each. Green color was definitively justified.

The Yacht show was really cool. I got in as Press (my good old press id) and Roby sold his hiperprofessional digicam at high price. He got in as a fotographer. All the rest is cliché'. Expensive boats, expensive girls, expensive drinks and the usual question. You just buy new or you have go a second hand to trade in, Sir? No second hand, of course. I normally just sink it :). That's the way we like it...

In the early afternoon sun and hangover brought up the first hallucinations.

After the show aperitivo and dinner with nice and smiling chick asking: "are you professional photographer?". Too much to laugh, too little sleep: no answer. Back at home, alone as usual...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

After dinner...

Good morning Cuneo.

The Meet a new Friend Contest was real fun. We scored a total of 10 people for dinner, I would say not bad for having just a week to organize.

Mr. Fede took us in a nice "piola" close to Cuneo. The food was excellent and so was the wine. That led us into the standard issue of getting drunk. I'm waiting for the evidences from Mr. Roby. Will post them shortly...

Central topic for the dinner were a pair of brand new boops that an invitee was showing off. Pretty impressive gravity exercise, I would say.

The dinner had a close-out on Mr. Fede's couch drinking absinthe and listening to AC/DC. Pretty much "Piola'n'Roll"...

We will definitively repeat the event, stay tuned!

PS: piola is "
One of the most popular eating institutions in Italy. A trattoria is usually family-run, and the food and service are usually more casual than in a ristoranti but also warmer and more personal.". Mr. Fede docet.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

THE night

That's it. Drills are over, tonight the show goes on stage.

We are 10 up to now but Roby (see picture below) cannot get enough. Today we'll be fishing again...

Getting old for these things but I'm having a lot of fun :)

Friday, October 06, 2006

Surfing the Internet....

No comment...

It's powder season!

Powder season starts tomorrow over the Alps!

I'm still a bit behind with the gear setup but I'm absolutely in for an October ride. Stay tuned!

Don't let your parents buy a new TV...

Ok guys, the show is over.

We've moved two TVs, about 70 KGs each all around the flat. The brand new one came straight from Rome on the back of my truck.

Everything was fantastic until we discovered it does not fit the elevator. 3 stories up the stairs! 60 steps to hell... I'm definitively not up for this hardworks. Just gimme my dear keyboard and let me be happy. For a snowboard... I might make an exception.

Now the new big screen shines brilliant io the teeth of my smiling dad. Another good happy ending.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Saturday night fever

Saturday is getting closer and the fever for the Meet new friends Contest.

Yesterday we've shot out all the numbers of old school mates and univeristy friends. Too many got married (again I think I might be doing something very wrong). I'm honestly a bit out of rounds. I think I will be making the last resort phone calls pretty soon...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The happy ferrytail

In the little multinational world, big news for Andrea. He joins the dark side of the force. He gets a very warm welcome from his new boss. His new boss is fired next day. Well done Andrea, very impressive welcome party!

Yesterday I've met my new new boss. He was hired on Monday. I had to print out my CV 'cause he doesn't even have a laptop yet. Welcome to the digital world!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Meet new friends Contest - Fall edition


rules are simple. Bring a new girl with you and you get a seat. Come alone and you're out.

The girl can be just a new or a old friend, your new girlfriend or somebody you've just met.

All the rest is fun...

PS: since we still don't have winners, the reservation of the restaurant is pending...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Many to nill...

As part of the "get all together and be the best attitude" of the dear multinational here comes.... soccer tournament.

Yesterday first match. Weather condition: heavy rain. The goalkeeper was hoovering in a kayak...

First half was real fun and decent score (1:1). Second half was defeat. At the end (11:6). 11 was for the opposers, of course.

Long live Jolly Joker team, don't give up!

The dark side of the force

A thrilling new chapter in the little multinational ferry tail...

Last Thu, I got 15 mins to decide between two new jobs. Plenty of time not to think about your future but just to follow the flow :). This time I decided to play all in. Marketing and business development. Up or out based on business results. Crazy enough to be funny.

So no project management anymore, only smoke and first class bullshit to come. Good bye Jedies and welcome to the dark side of the force...

Rome sweet Home

Finally back in Rome.

Last week in Scandinavia has been pretty cool. Unfortunately we had a lot of business to take care of but the weekend was great.

Those guys up in Sweden are really nice but also a bit weird. A week there was enough to understand that each day has specific a timeline for food. During the week everybody is loading up his batteries. In the weekend they really blow them up. At 5:30 in the morning it was a jungle to find a cab...

If you go up there forget blondies. Brownie ones are rare but nicer...

Bottom line, we slept 28 hours in a week. I should start to invest some more energy on something more productive...

Friday, September 22, 2006


Arrived in Stockholm on Wed via Copenhagen. Donno much about the two cities but I can confirm that party is pretty wild here.

In the weekend I will behave like a nice tourist and learn everything about museums... :)


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sunday boring Sunday

today I'm in a English mood...

It has been raining for more than two days over the Capital. Everything is as gray and as wet as it can get. I feel kind of wet too.

Will get the chance to start to pack for my next business trip to Stockholm. Plane is on Tuesday afternoon. This time I'll try to catch it instead of keep on reading notes in front of the gate...if at least the gate manager would have been pretty...

Tomorrow is Monday. The multinational ferry tail will start a brand new page, as usual.

Looks like Negronis are waiting for me this evening...

Saturday, September 16, 2006

The dawn

E' arrivata l'ora di mettere un po' di ordine nella mia vita. Un blog e' un buon modo per cominciare...